moggie's world

Saturday, August 20, 2005

casper. of all the spider's i've seen in cameron highlands, this has to be the cutest. (less than a cm long.) id anyone?


At Monday, August 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm moggie. After looking up the great journals, I think this magnificent species is called White Death. Nita

At Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Blogger moggie said...

white death IS right! ( u cheat!). or misumena vatia. it sits in white or yellow flowers and prey on insects that come to feed. bees and butterflies much larger than the spider are bitten and paralysed immediately. what's cool is that it can slowly change it's color from white to yellow to match the flower! : )

At Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm...obscenely cute!Is the orange thingy supper for casper?


At Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Blogger pummkin said...

This is where you see three men scrutinising & examining a flower for a spider. Let me see....a wacko, a Japanese & a love doctor.....

*hide!* *hide!*

At Wednesday, August 24, 2005, Blogger moggie said...

...3 men and and a spidey. coming to a theatre near you...


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