Saturday, July 23, 2005
Previous Posts
- a very healthy green iguana. see how it's dewlap i...
- give a man a fish and he'll feed himself for a day...
- freedom
- jungle myna, ken & joy's garden, melaka
- home maker, ken & joy's garden, melaka
- burung merbok (peaceful dove), in ken & joy's gard...
- kampung house by paddy field, melaka.
- (pic from the past) feeding daisy, as polly the sh...
- (pic from the past) this is "iggy" from 12 years a...
- (pic from the past) kaiser! my ol' tempremental (s...
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haha!....i bet that's what snakes say when they see Our skin, curious hk. more like....psssshhhhewww! :)
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